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Business Contracting 

When it comes to developing and renovating residential communities, Home Forward means business.

Home Forward makes an effort to support historically underutilized businesses and resources in our community.  


An Equity Plan is to be established during the course of pre-construction services and will be incorporated into the contract. During the term of the Contract, the Contractor will be required to submit monthly reports on progress toward achieving the established Equity Plan, including utilization of all certified businesses, along with certified payroll supporting apprenticeship hours and workforce diversity. Home Forward will hold periodic meetings to discuss the execution of the Equity Plan. The dates and times of these meetings will be determined by the Parties but in no case shall be less than monthly. A contractor representative (required to attend), subcontractor representative, pre-apprentice program representative, apprentice program representative will be invited and all are urged to attend.  

Home Forward requires that 28% of the value of the construction contract be awarded to COBID and/or Underutilized Business Enterprise (UBE) which includes:

  1. Disability-owned business enterprises (DOBE)

  2. Disadvantaged business enterprises (DBE)

  3. Emerging small businesses (ESB)

  4. LGBT-owned business enterprises (LGBT-BE)

  5. Minority-owned business enterprises (MBE)

  6. Service disabled veteran business enterprises (SDVBE)

  7. Women-owned business enterprises (WBE)

  8. Veteran-owned business enterprises (VBE)

UBE’s with certifications of Emerging Small Business (ESB), shall be limited to utilizing 5% of their contract dollars to meet the overall 28% goal.
  • 10% of the construction subcontracting dollars awarded to Section 3 businesses


  • 3% of the non-construction subcontracting dollars awarded to Section 3 businesses


  • 30% of new hire positions necessitated by the contract awarded to Section 3 individuals
  • The prime contractor and all subcontractors with contracts in the amount of $100,000 or more are registered as Training Agents with the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries (BOLI)


  • Ensuring that a minimum of 20% of the labor hours, per trade, are worked by state-registered apprentices


  • Striving in good faith to meet the diversity goals of 20% of job hours performed by BIPOC journey-level workers and apprentices, and 9% of job hours performed by female journey-level workers and apprentices


  • Prime contractor and subcontractors are expected to meet diversity goals by trade.
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